Last night I had a dream where I followed Diane Sawyer on a great journey. Her goal was to "live off the land" in a rugged survivalist fashion.
We traveled down a giant rice paddy/cornfield that was flooded; because of the tall nature of the cornstalks and water up to our chests we trudged for awhile all while walls of fire closed in on us (it was at night and given the nature of the explosions causing the fires I am lead to believe it was in Vietnam during the war). We spent a lot of energy trying to hold onto our journals but they were lost in the saturated field as we were making our exit.
Our journey ended at a giant farm of some sort with many trees--I think it was in the pacific northwest--where we met up with George Costanza (yes, George from Seinfeld). The three of us then moved giant logs by hand. The end.